The Bridge and Twilight Views

Its been a busy week and weekend, so instead of writing much, here are a couple of highlights and pictures from everything I've been up to recently. 

  • Walked the Golden Gate Bridge - Decided that I would walk it since it was a perfect clear day and I could see for miles.  Good decision because the views of San Francisco and Alcatraz were beautiful, I would have missed them if I was on a bike
  • Coit Tower - While the tower itself isn't open, I made my way up the hill and watched the sunset
  • Golden Gate Park at twilight - Went to the Enchanted Forest in Golden Gate Park

Walking the bridge

SF from the bridge

Coit Tower

Sunset from Coit Tower

Enchanted Forest in the Golden Gate Park
Evening at Golden Gate Park

The SkyStar Wheel at Golden Gate Park


San said…
Golden Gate Park looks beautiful. I must visit next time we are in SFO! I’m sure AP and ZP would love it too!
Yes, AP and ZP would love it, the park is pretty cool, and there are buffalos.
Julie said…
The pictures just keep on getting better! The view of SF from the bridge is postcard material.
Wait till you see the Oakland ones (posting tomorrow) those are completely postcard material.
Marlene said…
These photos are beautiful; I need to visit SF again soon!!
@Marlene - ha, me too! I'm so sure I'll be back, its incredible there, the weather, the vibe, the nature, the food...

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