Portland, OR - Snowpocalypse

Welcome to Portland, Oregon, destination #2! 

I've already been here for almost a week.  My first couple of days haven’t been ideal, I landed during a crazy snow/ice storm and the weather was pretty cold at 27 degrees. I bundled up and made my way to a grocery store to stock up. Luckily, by my third day here the snow had settled down and temps were up 10 degrees so I went out and explored a bit.

Things are starting to get better, snow is melting and temps are in the 50s.  I'm looking forward to exploring the city more this weekend.

Landing in the snow and thinking what did I do?

When your AirBnB used to be a hotel

Venturing out in the snow

Downtown Portland

Very popular tourist attraction

The snow starting to melt away


San said…
You’re making the best of what you can in this weather so that’s great! All about the experience in a new city. Excited to follow along and see what’s in store...Portland has been on my list forever.
Anonymous said…
LOVE the phone! :-)
@San - Thank you! Trying to make the best of it. Its gotten better- new post up :)

@Anonymous - thanks - its super cool, right?!
KP said…
The phone is sooo cool! Glad the weather cleared up so soon!
@KP - thanks, now that the weather cleared up, I'm definitely enjoying myself more.

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