Hawaiian Adventures
I’ve been so bad about keeping up with the blog. My schedule has been crazy with work and my afternoons and weekends are filled with activities and beach days. It’s all been amazing and I wouldn’t change a minute of it. Here are highlights and pictures from the rest of the trip in case you are visiting Oahu: Hiking - I went on 3 big hikes while here and learned a few things (i n case you’re curious the 3 hikes were: Diamond Head, Wiliwilinue Ridge Trail and Makiki Valley Trail) Always be prepared - my last hike was completely messy and muddy, I literally was covered in mud. It rained 90% of the time I was hiking too so everything was super slippery. I made it down fine though once I told myself I’m just going to get dirty and deal with it. Always bring something waterproof to put your phone in - I took out my phone plenty of times to take pictures of the beautiful view, in the end I got water damage and had to get a new phone - not fun. E...